Location: 230/225
MSc in Nursing (Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing)
BEd Nursing Education
Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery
I did my MSc in Nursing Midwifery at the University of Witwatersand, South Africa. I served as an internal examiner in the School of Nursing, University of Botswana. Served as a coordinator of Bachelor's program for three (3) years. Has researched in areas such as postnatal care,Adolescent health,Orphans and Vulnerable children, Challenges in Education, Poverty and Sexual Reproductive Health,Nursing and Reproductive practice in Botswana. A member of Tau Lambda at Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society in Botswana, Member of the East Central and Southern African College of Nursing. Served as a reviewer of African Journal of Midwifery and Woman's Health. Served as the board member on Nursing and Midwifery Council of Botswana, as a chairperson of the registration committee since 2010 to date. Served as The School of Nursing representative at the Nurses Association of Botswana/Botswana Nurses Union since 2009. Participated in the development of Botswana Obstetric Record. I am a Member of the taskforce that reviewed the Midwifery Curriculum and Intergrated the HIV and AIDS into the Midwifery Curriculum in the United States of America. Currently a member of the task force intergrating SRH and HIV and AIDS in the Ministry of Health. Attended several workshops to enhance my personal growth such as;Development of Midwifery and Neonatal standards, attended a workshop on setting targets for ending prevetable maternal death.
-Midwifery, Midwifery practice,Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, family Planning, Neonatal Nursing, Perinatal Nursing and High Risk childbearing families
- Midwifery ,postpartum care, Family planning, Adolescent 's Health, Adolescents and HIV and AIDS. Orphans and Vulnerable children, Sprituality and HIV and AIDS, Nursing and Midwifery practice,Community Home Based Care and Mental Health Services.
-Midwifery, Family Planning, Neonatal Nursing, Perinatal Nursing, Postpartum depression and HIV and AIDS
Maundeni.T Rapinyana,O, Seboni,N.M.& Baratedi,W., (2019). AIDS and Girl Children in Botswana. International Journal of Academic Research and Development.(Academic 3-5-22)
Rapinyana, O and Magowe .M. (2016). Experiences and needs of women who were discharged early after birth in selected settings in Botswana. African Journal of Midwifery,10,(3)
Kubanji, R. Rapinyana .O ., Phaladze. N.A & Molebatsi,K (2016).Correlates on Intentions to Abstain from Sex among HIV Positive Adolescents in Botswana. African Population Studies 30(2)