Associate Professor
Location: 355-5225
PhD - Managerial Sciences (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology - UMIST) -UK
Masters in Business Administration (University of Birmingham) - UK
Bachelor of Accountancy (University of Botswana) -Botswana
With more than 27 years academic experience, my work and research have been in the areas of cost and management accounting, managerial control, and accounting ethics. This has included reviewing international journal, writing and editing teaching modules, and serving as external examiner and programme review to local and regional universities. I have also published my work in international journals.
Over my career I has served business in the private sector and in non-profit entities as an as member of advisory boards, as a non-executive director, and consultant. Also assisted new and developing businesses in the development of business plans, training and mentoring of business participants, costing and pricing existing and new products, as well as assessing businesses and projects for funding.
Cost Accounting
Management Accounting
Ethics in Accounting
Current Issues in Accounting
Management Control and Organization Effeciency
Ethical Conduct of Individuals and Business Entities
Accounting History
Corporate Social Responsibility
Auditing Responsibility and Independence
Adoption and Infusion of ICT in SMMEs
Financial and Tax Literacy in SMMEs
Phatshwane, P. M. D. and Mbekomize, C. J. (2017). The History and Development of Accounting: An Emphasis on Botswana. Botswana Journal of Business, 10(1): 1-37.
Phatshwane, P. M. D., Mapharing, M., & Basuhi, E. J. (2014). Attitudes towards business ethics held by accountancy and finance students in the University of Botswana. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(2), 17-29.
Phatshwane, P. M. D. (2013). Ethical Perceptions of Managers: A Preliminary Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Botswana. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 3(2), 41-49.