Location: 239/221
B.A Humanities
M.A in Archives and Records Management
Julie Moloi holds a BA Degree in Humanities (Majoring in History and Archaeology) and a Master’s Degree in Archives and Records Management (MARM), from the University of Botswana (UB). She is currently a lecturer at UB, in the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS) since Oct 2016. She teaches in the area of Archives and Records Management. Julie is currently pursuing her PhD with UNISA. Her teaching experience spans 14 years at a tertiary level, 10 of which were spent at the Institute of Development Management (IDM). Her research interests are in the areas of electronic records management, audio-visual archives and the long term preservation of digital records. Before then, she practiced as a Records Manager at the Botswana National Archives and Records Services (BNARS) for 5 years, having been transferred from Teaching Service Management (TSM) where she was employed as a senior secondary school teacher for about 3 years.
Archives and Records Management
Electronic Records Management, Digital Preservation, Digital Archiving, Audio-Visual Archives, Indigenous Knowledge
Archives and Records Management
Segaetsho T. and J. Moloi (2019) Integration of Digital Preservation Knowledge, Skills and Competencies in the Teaching Curricula of Library and Information Studies at the University of Botswana, Mousain: South African Journal of Information studies, Vol 37, No 1, DO:10:25:59/2664-659X/6436, available @ [http://upjournals.co.za/index].
Jenkins, B, Mnjama N, and J. Moloi (2019), Access to Archives by Persons With Disabilities at Botswana National Archives and Records Services. in a book titled Disability is not Inability: A quest for inclusion and participation of people with disability in Society.”
Ngoepe M, Keakopa S, Segaetsho T, Bayane S., and J Moloi (2019) (eds) Memoirs of An Archivist: Festschrift in honour of Prof Mnjama, ESARBICA, ISBN 978-0-620-79259-2
Moloi J. and Kgabi P. (2018) ‘A pilot project on endangered archives: The case of UCCSA in Botswana’ Botswana Library Association Conference.