Associate Professor
Location: Block 236, Office 231
BSc in Geology – Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia: MSc in Geology (Area of Specialization - Hydrogeology) - Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia: Dr.nat.techn. in Hydrogeology - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria.
Nata Tadesse Tafesse is a professor of Hydrogeology working as Associate Professor in the Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Botswana since 1st of January 2016. He has also served the Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Botswana as Sabbatical Professor of Hydrogeology from 26th September 2014 to 31st of December 2015. Prior to the University of Botswana Professor Nata Tadesse Tafesse had served the Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Natural and Computational Sciences, Mekelle University, Ethiopia, having different ranks (Lecturer of Hydrogeology, Assistant Professor of Hydrogeology, Associate Professor of Hydrogeology and Professor of Hydrogeology) from October 1996 to 31st of December 2015. He is teaching different courses to both undergraduate and postgraduate classes of the department and also for the students in the other Faculty of the University of Botswana. He is also actively participating in the research work related to hydrogeology. His area of research works are groundwater resource exploration and mapping, groundwater evaluation, groundwater extraction/groundwater engineering, hydrogeochemistry, isotope hydrology, and groundwater management. Professor Nata Tadesse Tafesse has published more than 30 papers in the peer reviewed journals (as a first author in more than 12 of them), 20 papers in the national and international conference proceedings, one book and a book chapter.
Groundwater Geochemistry; Applied Groundwater Modelling; Geological Aspects of Groundwater Occurrence; Characterization of Hydrogeologic Systems; Basic Principles of Hydrogeology; Advanced Hydrogeology; Groundwater Exploration, Well drilling and Construction; Groundwater Evaluation, Aquifer Monitoring and Pump Selection; Advanced Hydrogeochemistry and Isotope Hydrology; Groundwater Management and Water Resource Policy; Surface and Groundwater Hydrology; Hydrology and Water Harvesting.
Groundwater resource exploration; Aquifer characterization/Hydrogeological characterization of aquifers; Hydrogeological mapping; Groundwater evaluation; Groundwater extraction/groundwater engineering; Hydrogeochemistry and water quality; Isotope Hydrology; Groundwater monitoring and modelling; Groundwater development and management; Surface water and groundwater interaction; Groundwater recharges and recharges mechanisms for climatic resilience.
Groundwater Geochemistry/ Hydrogeochemistry; Hydrochemical modeling; Hydrogeochemical characterization of the different aquifers; Groundwater pollution and vulnerability; Hydrogeological characterization of aquifers; Groundwater monitoring and modelling; Groundwater recharges and recharges mechanisms for climatic resilience; Groundwater exploration and hydrogeological mapping; Groundwater development and management.
1. Nata T. Tafesse and Berhanu F. Alemaw, 2020. Groundwater Occurrence, Recharge and Productivity in Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of Ethiopia and Climate Change Implications (Book Chapter). J.I. Matondo et al. (eds), Climate Variability and Change in Africa, Sustainable Development Goals Series, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 91 -106.
2. Guesh Zeru, Tena Alamirew, Haile A Shishaye, Megersa Olmana, Nata Tadesse, Michael J Reading, 2020. Groundwater level trend analysis using the statistical auto-regressive HARTT method. Hydrological Research Letters, 14(1), pp. 17 – 22. DOI: 10.3178/hrl.14.17
3. Boitumelo Tebuho Mukwati, Nata T. Tafesse, Zibisani B Bagai, Laletsang K., 2018. Hydrogeochemistry of the Kasane Hot Spring, Botswana. Universal Journal of Geoscience, Vol. 6, No. 5, ISSN: 2331-9615 (Online)/ ISSN: 2331-9593 (Print), pp. 131-146. DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2018.060501