Senior Lecturer
Location: 245-109
MBA-Finance- University of New Brunswick (Canada)
Bachelor of Finance- University of Botswana (Botswana)
Diploma in University Teaching- University of New Brunswick (Canada)
Certificate in Real Estate- Baisago University(Botswana)
I am currently a Senior Finance Lecturer at the University of Botswana (UB) and a member of UB Senate. I am a coordinator for Finance Programmes at the Faculty of Business in UB. I have Published over 15 research articles that appear in various journals across the globe, my research work also appear in many conference proceedings around the world. I am an Ad hoc reviewer of Botswana Journal of Business. I am Deputy Chairperson of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM Botswana National Team) and have written 3 reports between 2012 and 2014 for GEM Global that covers Botswana’s entrepreneurship environment. I am passionate about capital markets; financial literacy and financial consultancy. I was part of a team of consultants who wrote financial literacy Modules (Personal Finance, Money and banking, Savings and Investments and introduction to business Finance) for Stanbic bank Botswana in 2004. I am a member of Botswana Bond Market Association (BBMA) and a patron of the University of Botswana Finance society. I was a member of UB academic team that wrote a comprehensive report on consultancy basis for BBMA on the Operation of Botswana Bond Market. I have worked before as an Accounts Executive with Botswana International University of Science and technology and also as a research analyst and portfolio manager for the Centre for Financial Studies in New Brunswick , Canada.
Corporate Finance
Financial Planning & Forecasting
Financial Statements Analysis
Investments Analysis & Portfolio Management
Equities & Fixed income Markets
Investments in general
Equities and Fixed income Markets
Financial Markets in general
Radikoko, I. (2014). Testing the random walk behavior of Botswana’s equity returns. Journal of Business Theory and Practice, 2(1), 84-99.
Shiller, I., & Radikoko, I. (2014). Fuzzy liability driven pension fund management. Journal of Accounting & Finance, 14(1), 23-50.
Shiller, I., & Radikoko, I. (2014). Testing weak form market efficiency on the TSX. Journal of Applied Business Research, 30(3), 647-658.
Radikoko, I., Leepile, M.M., & Mapharing, M. (2014). The returns of Botswana’s equity markets are predictable: is this a blessing or a curse? International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Management, 11(1), 1-19.
Mapharing, M., Otuteye, E., & Radikoko, I. (2015).Determinants of demand for life insurance: the case of Canada. Journal of Comparative International Management, 2(18), 1-25.
Bolokwe, K., & Radikoko, I., (2017) Investigating the impact of Inflation on the Returns of Botswana’s Equity Market. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 17(19), 31-45.