Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 247 Room 309
PhD Criminology & Criminal Justice University of Edinburgh, 2009
Msc(Criminology & Criminal Justice), University of Edinburgh, 1999
MA (Sociology & Social Policy), University of Durham, 1994
BA(Sociology & Public Administration), University of Botswana, 1990
Malila is a senior lecturer in Sociology and Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Botswana.He served as head of the Department of Sociology from 2017-2019. Before joining the University of Botswana he worked as a researcher at the Applied Research Unit, Ministry of Local Governments and Lands. At the University of Botswana he broadened his involvement in research which he often conducted on behalf or under the auspices the of the Democracy Research Project, Basarwa Research Project and Women and the Law in Southern Africa Trust and other projects. The Democracy Project, of which he was one time Deputy Coordinator (in 1995) is well known for conducting opinion polls , running workshops publishing papers on democracy in Botswana. At the Basarwa Research Project he was involved in research on the use and abuse of alcohol among Basarwa communities. In the recent past he has been more heavily involved in research at Women and the Law in Southern Africa Trust where he served for long time as a Part-Time Research Associate and later as a Board member. In 1997 he was the Team–leader of the first ever study on Criminal Victimisation in Botswana which was conducted under the auspices of the United Nations Interregional Crime Institute.
Sentencing theory & practice ;Advanced Criminological Theory; Crime Prevention; Communities & Crime ; Youth Offending & Juvenile Justice ; White Collar Crime; Sociology of Law ; Risk & compliance; social problems , political sociology.
Sentencing & sentencing policy, Youth & Justice Justice in plural legal systems ; Indigenous legal systems & Justice
Crime& Criminal Justice/Prisons /Corrections
‘Modulating and Limiting the Punishment through the application of the proportionality principle : a perspective from Botswana’ Nordic Journal of Human Rights Vol 37 No 2, 123-142 ( 2019); ‘Punishment and Labour Extraction in Colonial Botswana’ Botswana Notes and Records Vol47, 10-23 ( 2016)( co authoured with John Makgala) Codified Law and the Changing Normative Context of Disputes in Traditional Settings in Botswana" Canadian Journal of African Studies 49(2)367-283(2015) “ Emerging Trends and the General Framework for the Exercise of Sentencing Discretion in Botswana” African Journal of Legal Studies 6, 171–188(2013);“The Mutation of Parliament into A ‘Registration Chamber’: Executive Dominance over the Legislature in Botswana” African Review 40(2), 33-59 (co-authored with three others) (2013);Book :(co-authored with-Christian John Makgala “ The 2011 Bofepusu Strike “ published by The Centre For Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) (2014)