Staff Profiles

Dr. Mpapho Joseph Motsumi

Profile Picture: Mpapho Motsumi

Faculty of Medicine


Head of Department. Senior Lecturer in General Surgery

Location: F2075
Phone: 355 5545
Email Dr. Mpapho Joseph Motsumi

PhD (Surgery), MMed Gen. Surg, FCS (SA), FCS(ECSA), MCS(ECSA), MUDr

Mpapho Joseph Motsumi completed his undergraduate training at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (2003-2009). He did his internship and medical officer service at Princess Marina Hospital (2009 – 2011).  He then went on to pursue his training in Master of Medicine in General Surgery at the University of Cape Town in South Africa (2012 – 2016). After completing his training, he briefly served as a Junior Consultant at Groote Schuur Hospital's trauma unit for 5 months before returning to Botswana to work as a Lecturer in General Surgery at the University of Botswana. Motsumi is currently the Head of the Department of Surgery and a Senior Lecturer in General Surgery. His areas of special interest include Trauma, research and diversification of Surgical education using 3D animations, simulations and eLearning platforms. Motsumi pursued his PhD studies at the University of Pretoria, South Africa (2020-2024).

  • General Surgery 
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support

  • Surgical skills training using 3D animation and programmatic assessment (PhD Research)
  • Surgical Outcomes in Botswana 
  • Trauma Burden in Botswana


  1. Motsumi J.M, Bedada AG, Ayane G. The role of Moodle-based surgical skills illustrations using 3D animations in undergraduate medical training. Afr J Health Professions Educ 2019;11(4):149-152.
  2. Cox, M., Becker, T., & Motsumi, M. (2018). Head trauma: A significant public health concern among young men in Botswana. Etiology referral patterns and opportunities for interventions. Journal of Public Health in Africa
  3. Cox M, Becker TD, Motsumi M. Head injury burden in a major referral hospital emergency centre in Botswana. Afjem. 2018.
  4. Motsumi M, Naidoo N. Pattern and distribution of peripheral arterial disease in diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia (rutherford clinical category (4-6)). S Afr J Surg 2017;55(3).

In pursuit of academic excellence