Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 240 Office 101
PhD (Economics), University of Queensland, Australia. Thesis title "Do better institutions alleviate the resource curse? Evidence from a dynamic panel approach"
MSc (Economics and Finance), York, UK
BA (Economics and Statistics), University of Botswana, Botswana
Skilled and experienced withing the field of macroeconomics with strong expertise in research, data and policy analysis.Currently a non-executive director at the central bank of Botswana and chairman of the board at Competition and Consumer Authority. Recipient and deputy team leader of a research grant from the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) worth US$50,000.
An enterprising, committed researcher with a passion and strong understanding of Economic analysis software including STATA, Eviews, RATS,Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel and research methodologies. Has ability to transfer knowledge to others through lecturing and mentoring.
Econometrics and mathematical Economics.
Economic growth , development and youth unemployment
Macroeconomics, development and economic growth
Siphambe H., Bakwena M., Setlhare L.,Kolobe M.,Oageng I.,Setlhare K. and Motswagae T. (2020). Determinants of Youth Unemployment and Labour Market Transitions in Botswana.
Bakwena M. and Bodman P. (2010). Making abundant natural resources work for developing countries: The role of financial institutions? Botswana Journal of Economics. Vol. 7,No.11 (October 2010): p.16-31
Siphambe H. and Bakwena M (2000). The wage gap between men and women in Botswana´s formal labour market. Journal of African Ecconomies, Vol.10, No.2. p 127-142