Location: Block 245 Office 023-024
MSc in Hospitality (Strategic) Management, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA (2011)
BSc in Hospitality Management, Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI, USA (1997)
As Degree in Hotel & Restaurant Management,Johnson & Wales University, Province, RI, USA (1995)
Mrs Montle Siya, a passionate, service-driven hotelier and a hospitality scholar, is the Head of Department (HoD) and a Lecturer in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management (2013 to date). Over and above her current portfolio as HoD, she serves as the Chairperson of the Pre-Opening Plan and Operations Team for the UB Hotel & Conference Centre (UBHCC). Her main role is to give expert advise to the Executive Management Team (EMT) on the general requirements for hotel and conference sustainable operations and management. She is also a member of the UBHCC Bench-marking team tasked with identifying and assessing the various operating models suitable for the UB Hotel & Conference Centre and to make recommendation to EMT, the best model thereof. Furthermore Montle provided direction and expertise on the drafting of an Operational Plan for UBHCC. On fostering social engagement with industry stakeholders, Montle Siya is Board Member and Chairperson of the Quality Services Committee at the Botswana Tourism Organization (BTO), Vice Chairperson, Tourism Sector Committee at the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC), Reference Group Member for the Rapid Evaluation of the Tourism Sector in Botswana, National Panel Member in the Tourism and Hospitality Curriculum Development for Secondary Schools, Ministry of Basic Education. Her portfolio includes training and consultancy services for the hospitality industry.
She is responsible for teaching across a diverse spectrum of hospitality subjects as follows:
Fundamentals of the Hospitality Industry
Food and Beverage Operations 1
Food and Beverage Operations 2
Housekeeping Operations
Front Office Operations
Events and Conference Management
Hotel Sales and Guest Relations
Hospitality Management
Housekeeping Management
She is also responsible for undergraduate and graduate research supervision.
Hospitality Services and Covid-19 Pandemic - emerging interest area
Street Food Market and Trends
Gastronomy Tourism
Service Encounters, Service Failures and Service Recovery
Employee turnover in the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality and Tourism Education
Service Performance in Hospitality Businesses
1. Chatibura, D & Siya M. (2018). A netnographic analysis of online reviews of restaurants service in Botswana. Botswana Journal of Business, 11(1), 27-44
2. Chatibura, D., Motshegwa, N & Siya, M. (2018). The representation of women in hospitality journal editorial boards. Book of abstracts for the 4th International Tourism and Hospitality Management Congress, Budapest, Hungary, pp 39. https://www.ithmc.com/sites/default/files/u308/ithmc_2018_abstract_book_v2.pdf
3. Mahachi, D., Ndhlovu, N., Siya, M.K.C., Tsheko, T., Moswete, N & Lenao. M. (2015). A Comparative Study of Students’ Perceptions of Managerial Competencies and their Implications on Tourism and Hospitality Education in Botswana. Botswana Journal of Business 8(1); 98-110