Staff Profiles

Dr. Lobone Lloyd Kasale

Dr L. L. Kasale

Faculty of Education

Sports Science

Senior lecturer

Location: UB Indoor Sport Centre: Office number 3033
Phone: 355 5825
Email Dr. Lobone Lloyd Kasale

Doctor of Philosophy in Sport Management, University of Stirling.

Master of Philosophy in Sport Management, University of Johannesburg.

Bachelor of Education in Physical Education, University of Botswana.


Dr. Lobone Lloyd Kasale is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Management at the Department of Sport Sciences of the University of Botswana. He joined the University of Botswana as a Staff Development Fellow and currently holds the position of Senior Lecturer in Sport Management. He received his training in Physical Education and Sport Management from the University of Botswana, the University of Johannesburg and the University of Stirling. Dr Kasale teaches sport management and Physical Education courses at the University of Botswana and conducts research on topical areas that include sport organizational studies, sport governance, organizational effectiveness and performance management in Sport Organizations. He intends to use  the results of cutting edge research to optimize the performance of sport organisations through consultancies and community engagements.  

Dr L L Kasale facilitates the following courses:

Undergraduate level: Sport Facility Management, Sport Information and Communication Systems, Sport Law, Exercise and Sport Economics, Organization & Administration of Sport and Physical Education, Sports Marketing, Research in PE Sport & Recreation, Sport Sociology

Graduate level: Organizational Behavior Sport Management Theories and Practice, Sport Law, Planning, Construction and Management of Sport and Recreation Facilities

Dr L. L. Kasale's research interests include sport governance, organizational performance of sport organizations, strategic and leadership research. His research appears in journals that include Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, Managing Sport and Leisure, Global Journal for Sport Management and South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. Dr. Kasale has also performed peer review tasks for sport management journals.

Dr. Kasale is the main supervisor for 6 graduate students in various topical areas that range from organizational performance and environmental sustainability.

Kasale, L. L., Moruisi, M. S., & Motswakhumo, E. G. (2024). Resources, structural designs, climate and performance management in Botswana National Sport Organisations. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal14(3), 380-399.

Kasale, L. L., Marobela-Masunga, T., Othusitse, N., & Mbise, M. (2022). Developing a performance management toolkit for Botswana tennis clubs. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review30(87), 52-58.

Kasale, L. L., Morrow, S., & Winand, M. (2020). An Institutional Work Perspective to Performance Management: The Case of Botswana National Sport Organizations. Journal of Global Sport Management, 1-22.

Kasale, L. L., Winand, M., & Morrow, S. (2019). A stakeholder approach to performance management in Botswana National Sport Organisations. Managing Sport and Leisure, 24(4), 226-243.

Kasale, L. L., Winand, M., & Robinson, L. (2018). Performance management of National Sports Organisations: a holistic theoretical model. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 8(5), 464-491.

Shehu, J., Kasale, L., & Moreri, A. B. (2012). Perceptions of gender equality and attitudes toward equal opportunity in

In pursuit of academic excellence