Location: Block 236, Office 228
PhD in geology (UCT, SA), MSc in geology (Durham, UK), BSc (UB, Botswana)
I started my carrier in 1995 as an Assistant Consultant Geologist at Geoflux Groundwater & Mineral Exploration (Pty) Ltd. In 1996 I joined Southern Cross Groundwater Consultants (Pty) Ltd in Klerksdorp, SA, as a Consultant Hydrogeologist. I was involved in siting and drilling supervision of boreholes in Kuruman, Taung, Molopo and Lichtenburg districts, under Rural Development Program II (RDP-II). In 1997 I joined De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd as a Field Geologist. In 1998 I joined the University of Botswana as a Staff Development Fellow (SDF). I obtained my MSc and PhD at Durham University and University of Cape Town, respectively, in 2000 and 2009. I successfully supervised over 20 undergraduate student projects in the field of igneous petrology, geochemistry and environmental geology. Currently, I have 3 postgraduate students under my supervision. I have published over 10 papers in international refereed journals and edited 1 book.
I am a member of the Botswana Geoscientist Association Council, Geological Society of Zimbabwe and Geological Society of South Africa (Western Cape Branch).
Currently teaching petrography, igneous petrology, geochemistry, environmental geology, geology for civil engineers, Field mapping and techniques at undergraduate level. Previously taught introduction to geology, Introduction to mineralogy, Optical mineralogy and metamorphic petrology at undergraduate level.
Geochemistry of magmatic rocks; mineralogical and geochemical characterization of coal fly ash and potential environmental effects; Geochemistry and mineralogy of the sulfide tailings from existing and closed mine dumps; Geology, geochronology and geochemistry of Archaean rocks in Botswana; Gold mineralisation in the Archaean greenstone belts; Geochemistry of sanukitoid rocks and geotectonic implications; Geochemistry of REE in weathered granites.
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of magmatic rocks, hydrochemistry, Gold mineralization in Archaean greenstone belts.
1. Bagai, Z., Armstrong, R. & Kampunzu, A.B. (2002). U-Pb single zircon geochronology of granitoids in the Vumba granite-greenstone terrain (NE Botswana); implications for the Archaean Zimbabwe craton. Precambrian Research
2. Kampunzu, A.B., Tombale, A.R., Zhai, M., Bagai, Z., Majaule, T. & Modisi, M.P. (2003). Major and trace element geochemistry of plutonic rocks from Francistown, NE Botswana: evidence for a Neoarchaean continental active margin in the Zimbabwe craton. Lithos,
3. Tadesse, S., Bagai, Z., Motsisi, T., Keotshotse, T., Kenalemang, T. & Mabechu, B. (2011). Genesis of banded Iron Formation-related gold mineralization at the Mupane gold mine, Tati greenstone belt, Botswana. International journal of Scientific Research
4. Halla, J.., Whitehouse, M.J., Ahmad, T. & Bagai, Z. (2017). Crust-Mantle Interactions and Granitoid Diversification: Insights from Archaean Cratons. Geological Society, London, Special Publications