Associate Professor
Location: 225/118
PhD (Human Resource Management) University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. UK.
MSc (National Development, Project Planning and Appraisal, University of Bradford, England, UK.
BASS (Public Administration & Sociology) University of Botswana.
Prof Dorothy Mpabanga is Associate Professor in the department of Political and Administrative Studies (PAS) in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Botswana. She teaches at undergraduate and graduate levels including human resource management, organizational theory, public sector management, public policy, research, and project management. Mpabanga has management and administrative experience including 10 years as Director & Deputy Director of the Centre of Specialization in Public Administration and Management (CESPAM). She acted as Head of the PAS department for nine months. Dorothy has vast industry experience for instance 11 years in government as a Project Analyst, 3 years with the central bank of Botswana as a development economist.
Prof Mpabanga’s research focuses on public sector management, HR diversity management, project management, NGO management, higher education management, ICT, governance, leadership, and democracy. She has publications in various book chapters, journal articles including in the Routledge Companion to international Management education and the Public sector Innovation Journal. She has attended various conferences including the African Association of Public Administration and Management (AAPAM), American Academy of Management (AOM), the African Academy of Management (AFAM), British Academy of Management (BAM), Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management (CAPAM), European Academy of Management (EURAM) ILA
Public Administration
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Development
Organizational Theory and Organizational Behaviour
Public Sector Management and Public Sector Reforms
Public Policy Research
Project Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Development
Public Sector Management
Diversity Management
Project Management
Public Policy Research and Analysis
NGO Management
Higher Education Management
ICT Development
Governance, Leadership and Democracy
Public Administration
Human Resources Management and Development
Public Policy Research and Analysis
Public Sector Management and Reforms
Security, Defense and Strategic Management
Democracy, Leadership and Governance
Diversity Management
Economic and Development Management
Mpabanga, D & Sesa, L. (2020) Imperatives: The Five Ps: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships & SDGs: The need to Transform Public Administration Management. African Journal of Public Administration and management, Vol. XXVII. No. 2. P44-58.
Mpabanga, D. (2018) Fundamentals, benefits and challenges of whole government approach to reforms strategies: the case of Botswana government. African Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XXV. No. 2. P1-17.
Mpabanga, D. & Rajah, N. (2018) e-government for better government in developing countries. African Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XXV. No. 2. P71-83.
Mpabanga, D. (2016) Performance monitoring and evaluation in Botswana’s public service: Achievements and challenges. Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review. Volume 4. Issue 1, p. 50-93.
Mpabanga, D & Mokhawa, G. (2013) Is e-voting a possibility for Botswana’s 2014 genera elections