Associate Professor
BA Economics & Demography, University of Botswana
MA Economics, Boston University
Mathematical Economics
Development Economics
Health Economics
Environmental Economics
Managerial Economics
Demographic dividend
Health Economics
Malema B. W. (2018) An Appraisal of African Identity for Sustainable Development in Botswana. Chapter nine in “African Perspectives on Global Development” Edited by Mahmoud Masaeli, Sanni Yaya and Rico Sneller Pg 168 -194. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1155-3 ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1155-2
Malema B. W. and Keetile M. K. (2016). Can Botswana Optimise on Harnessing the Demographic Dividend? African Population Studies Vol. 30, No 2 (Supp). 2016, pp 2693 -2978
Malema B. W. and Kaelo, G. (2013). Privatization as a Vehicle for Economic Development: A Critique. Botswana and Notes, Volume 45
Brothers Wilright Malema (2012). Determinants of Condom Use in Botswana: An empirical investigation of the Role of Gender. Botswana Journal of Economics,10(14), 42 – 57.