Staff Profiles

Dr. Samuel Bashi Chimidza

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Faculty of Science

Deputy Dean

Location: Block 233 Office 129
Phone: +267 355 2472
Email Dr. Samuel Bashi Chimidza

Oct 1989 - BSc Mathematics and Physics, UB, Botswana

Oct 1990 - Postgraduate Diploma in Education, University of Botswana

Nov 1992 - MSc Radiation and Env. Protection, University of Surrey, England

Feb 2001 - PhD in Env. Science with Specialization in Physics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Joined University of Botswana as a Physics Staff Development Fellow in 1990 and appointed Lecturer in Physics in November 1992. Promoted to Senior Lecturer in Physics in April 2011. From January 2014 to September 2019 I was Head of Physics Department. I was Appointed Acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science from September to December 2017 and February 2018 to August 2019 when I was appointed Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science for the period September 2019 to August 2022. In 2010 I chaired a group of four members assigned by the Faculty of Science to look at performance of students admitted with different grades in the first year basic sciences. I also served as Coordinator of the Radiation Physics Research Group and the Radiation and Health Physics Programme from August 2011 to December 2013. I served in the Botswana Radiation Protection Board from August 2007 to September 2017. In 2004 co-organized a workshop on Air Pollution in Southern Africa held in Gaborone in February 2004. At Community level I have among others been a member of the National Mathematics and Science Fair Organizing Committee since 2008.

Courses taught at the University of Botswana include Mechanics, Geometrical Optics, Vibrations and Waves, Electricity and Magnetism, Radiation Physics, Radiation Therapy, Introduction to Radiography, Radiobiology and Protection, Environmental Physics and Nuclear Rules and Regulations.

Environmental Physics, Air Pollution, Aerosols

Atmospheric Physics

Air Pollution and Aerosols

Environmental Physics

Maabong K E et al, (2019), An Empirical Relation for Vegetation Fuel Flames Breakdown Electric Field Strength, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 11, 187 - 201.

Katumba M. F. et al, (2018), Assessment of Radiological Viewing Conditions in Major Hospitals in Gaborone BIE Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 8, 124 - 131

Verma T S et al, (2010) Study of Indoor Air Pollution from Household Fuels in Gaborone, Botswana, Journal of African Earth Science., 14, p.85-94

Moloi K et al, (2002), Black Carbon, Mass and Elemental Measurements of Airborne Particles in the Village of Serowe, Botswana, Atmospheric Environment, 36, p.2447 - 2457

Cimidza S, et al, (2001), EDXRF and TXRF Analysis of Aerosol Particles and the Mobile Fraction of Soil in Botswana, X-Ray Spectrometry, 30, p. 301 - 307

Chimidza S and Moloi K, (2000)Identification of Sources of Aerosol Particles in Three Locations in Eastern Botswana, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 D14, p. 17811 - 1

In pursuit of academic excellence