Staff Profiles

Prof. Oagile Dikinya

Professor of Environmental Science (Soil Science)

Faculty of Science

Environmental Science


Location: 236/206
Phone: 3552512
Email Prof. Oagile Dikinya

PhD (Soil Science), The University of Western Australia, Australia, 2007

MSc. (Soil and Water), Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 1992

BSc. (Environmental Science and Physics), University of Botswana, 1988


An environmental geoscientist with a specialisation in soil science, soil physics/agrohydrology, soil surveys and land evaluation, and has teaching and research interest in soil and water management, soil fertility. as well as environmental quality and climate change. He has several research grants and awards including (a) African Soil Microorganisms as a Critical Resource for Agriculture and Biotechnology (AfSM): 2015- 2019; (b) Southern African Science Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Use (SASSCAL) Project (Task 341), 2014-2017; (c) Botswana Japan Jatropha Research Project (BoJJaRP) on ‘Information-based optimization of Jatropha biomass energy production in the frost- and drought-prone regions around Kalahari Desert in Botswana’, 2011-2017; (d) British Council/DFID funding in Development Partnerships in Higher Education (DelPHE) on “Capacity building in climate change and rural livelihoods in Malawi and Botswana”, 2008-2011; (e) SADC-EU sponsored short course on Integrated Natural Resources Planning, Management and Conservation for Professional Skills Improvement in Land and Water Management” in May/June, 2008.


Principles of Soil Soil Science

Land Reclamation

Applied Soil Science

Soil Surveys

Environmental Applications of Soil Science

Soil and water management, soil chemistry and fertility, soil physics and agrohydrology. Other research interests include and plant nutrition, agronomy, conservation agriculture, environmental soil quality and pollution and climate change

Soil chemistry and fertility, soil physics and agrohydrology. plant nutrition, agronomy, conservation agriculture, environmental soil quality and pollution and climate change

1.Majaule U, Dikinya O, Moseki B and Glaser B (2020) Effects of biochar and sewage sludge on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) yield and soil NO3- content in texturally different soils in Glen Valley, Botswana. African Journal of Biotechnology (5), 287-300

2. Dikinya O (2015). Heavy metals and radionuclide status and characterisation of pre-mined soils in Serule, North East Botswana.  Environmental Earth Sciences 73(9), 54055413.

3. Dikinya O and Areola O (2010).  Comparative analysis of heavy metal concentration in secondary treated wastewater irrigated soils cultivated to different crops. International Journal Environmental Science and Technology, 7 (2), 337346.

4. Dikinya O, Hinz C, Aylmore LG (2008) Decrease in saturated hydraulic conductivity and particle release associated with self-filtration in saturated soil columns. Geoderma 146, 192–200

In pursuit of academic excellence