Staff Profiles

Prof. Ishmael Baperi Masesane

Prof Masesane FRSC

Faculty of Science


Location: Block 237 Office 211
Phone: +267 355 2492
Email Prof. Ishmael Baperi Masesane

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC 2019-date); PhD (Organic synthesis, University of Durham, UK, 2003); M.Sc (Natural Products Chemistry, University of Botswana, 1998); B.Sc (Chemistry and biology, University of Botswana, 1996)

President of the Botswana Academy of Science (2020-2023); Head of the Department (August 2015-2021), Professor (August 2016-to date), Associate Professor (2009-2016) Senior lecturer (2006-2009), Lecturer (1998-2006); Staff Development Fellow (1996-1998).

Organic chemistry

General chemistry

Natural Products Chemistry

Organic Synthesis

Natural Products Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry

  1. Synthesis of different classes of flavanoids
  2. Isolation of flavanoids from local plants
  3. Structural Elucidation 

  1. Ombito, J. O.; Bojase, G.; Majinda, R. R. T.; Masesane, I. B.; Schuffler, A.; Opatz, T. Erysacleuxins C and D, new isoflavones from the twigs of Erythrina sacleuxii Hua and their cytotoxic activity. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2020, 13, 4019-4023.
  2. Öhrström, L.; Masesane I. Bring IUPAC to Southern Africa; Division II promotes IUPAC in Africa by meeting in Botswana and co-sponsoring the 2nd Symposium on organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Southern Africa. Chemistry International 2019, 41, 38-40.
  3. Keroletswe, N.; Majinda, R. R. T.; Masesane, I. B. A New 3-Prenyl-2-flavene and Other Extractives from Baphia massaiensis and Their Antimicrobial Activities. Natural Products Communications 2018, 13, 435-438.
  4. Bedane, K. G.; Majinda, R. R. T. Masesane, I. B. A fast and efficient synthesis of flavanones from cinnamic acid. Synthetic Communications 2016, 46, 1803-1809.

In pursuit of academic excellence