Staff Profiles

Prof. Julius Ramosweu Atlhopheng

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Faculty of Science


Location: Block 233 Office 129
Email Prof. Julius Ramosweu Atlhopheng

  • BSc (Honours) – School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK.
  • MSc – Kings College London, University of London (UK)
  • PhD – School of Earth Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia.

  • Earth Sciences: Geomorphology, Soil Science, Isotope geosciences
  • Atmospheric sciences: meteorology; atmospheric pollution; climate change science applications.
  • Environmental Science and Management: Environmental Impact Assessment; applied geosciences; energy resources & conservation; policy-science interfaces and technological (green) applications.
  • Expert negotiator in multilateral environmental agreements e.g. UNFCCC, UNCCD.

  • Geomorphological applications & environmental management.
  • Climate change.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Environmental Science applications to policies and development applications.
  • Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Open Data and science in transformation agendas.

  1. Atlhopheng J.; Molebatsi, C.; Toteng, E. and Totolo, O. (1998) Environmental Issues in Botswana
  2. A handbook. Lightbooks Publishers. Gaborone. ISBN 99912-71-05-8.ii. Mapeo, R.; Atlhopheng, J.;
  3. Ntsimanyana, M.; Chatupa, J.; Tsimako, J.; Siamisang, T.; and Ramonyane, P. (2001) Geology and geomorphology of Botswana, In Botswana National Atlas. Department of Surveys and Mapping, pages 13-29.
  4. IPCC (2007) (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) – Assessment Report iv, Working Group II on IPCC, Chapter 4 – “Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services,” as a Contributing Author. The IPCC won a Noble Prize in, 2007.
  5. Kellner, K., von Maltitz, G., Seely, M., Atlhopheng J. & Lindeque, L. (2018) Chapter 12: Southern African arid lands – current status and future prospects (In ed. Mahesh Kumar Gaur, Climate Variability, Land-Use and Impact on Livelihoods in the Arid Lands, pp243-260. Elsevier
  6. Atlhopheng J.R.; M.G. Moshoeshoe, G. Phunyuka and W. Mokgopa (2019). Biodive

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