Senior Lecturer
Location: 239/202
PhD, English Language and Literature, University of Cape Town (2001-2005)
MA, English, University of Alberta, Canada (1992-1995)
Post Graduate Diploma, University of Botswana (1990-1991)
BA English and Environmental Science (1986-1990)
Dr Ndana Ndana has been with the University of Botswana where he has taught in the literature section of the Department of English since 1991. He became senior lecturer in 2008 and is currently serving as Head of Department up to April 30, 2021. His publications include journal articles, book chapters, edited books, and translations on literature in English, and indigenous languages and cultures.
African literature
Oral Literature
English Literature
His research interests include English, African and Oral Literature, and multiculturalism.
English literature: racism, colour prejudice, foreignness & aggression in Shakespeare
Children's stories
Ndana, N. & Chebanne, A. (2017). Chiikuhane. In Kamusella, T. & Ndhlovu, F. (eds.). The Social and Political History of Southern Africa’s Languages. UK: Palgrave Macmillan pp 44-55.
Ndana, N. (2011). The Indigenous Praise Poetry of the Veekuhane: Culture, Memory and History: CASAS Book Series No. 83. Cape Town: SED Printing Solutions.
Ndana, N. (2008). “From Mafikeng to Stratford: Sol Plaatje’s Court Interpretation, Translation of Shakespeare and Cross Cultural Currents.” Bagwasi, M.M., Alimi, M.M. & Ebewo, P.J. (eds.). English Language and literature: Cross Cultural Currents. New Castle upon Tyne:. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ndana, Ndana. (2005). “A white man’s Native language”: Sol Plaatje, William Shakespeare, Translation and the Setswana Orthography.” PULA: Botswana Journal of African Studies. 19 (2), 168-176.