Associate Professor
Location: Block 239 Office 201
Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of South Africa, April 2011
M.A. in Linguistics at Cornell University, New York, May 2003
BA in Humanities at the University of Botswana, May 1999
Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), May 2000
Professor Budzani Gabanamotse-Mogara teaches linguistics in the Department of African Languages and Literature, University of Botswana. She has several years of experience in teaching and research on Bantu and Khoesan languages and linguistics and has published many high-quality journal articles, book chapters and manuals which deal with various aspects of language and linguistics. Her research interests are mainly in the areas of Bantu and Khoesan Studies with a focus on Morphology and Syntax, Semantics, Generative Phonology, Language Description & Documentation, and Language Proficiency among others.
Professor Gabanamotse-Mogara holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from University of South Africa (UNISA) and M.A. in Linguistics from Cornell University (USA) and B.A. in African Languages & Literature degree and Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Botswana. She is a member of the Linguistics Association of Southern African Development Community (SADC) Universities, World Congress of African Linguistics, and the African Languages Association of Southern Africa.
General Linguistics
Bantu Linguistics
Khoesan Linguistics
Descriptive Linguistics
Language Description and Documentation
Morpho-Syntax Interface
Serial Verb Constructions
Verbal extensions
Person Gender Number Markers
Tense and Aspect Markers
Tone in African Languages
Prosodic features in a given African language
Morphological Analysis of Bantu or Khoesan languages
Language Description and Documentation
Language Attitudes
Language Endangerment
Syntactic Analysis of Bantu or Khoesan Languages
Mogara, B. 2011. Tense and Aspect in Khoesan: The case of Ju/'hoansi in Geographical Typology and Linguistic Areas, . John Benjamins Publishing Company. Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
Mogara, B. 2015. The Juncture Morpheme in Naro. Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, volume 8 number 1. Tanzania
Mogara, B. 2013. Valency Adding Processes in Khoesan: The case of Naro, Ju/'hoansi and !Xoo. LASU (Journal of Linguistics Association of Southern African Development Communities Universities, Volume 4, No.1, June 2013.
Mogara, B. 2013. Ikalanga Derived Personal Names: A Functionalist Approach. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, volume 2 No.1.
Mogara, B. 2016. The Tjitswapong Noun Phrase. Journal of AION Linguistica, Volume 5. Napoli, Italy.