Location: 253-003
MA (Ibadan)
Thulaganyo Mogobe did the Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) degree at the University of Botswana, majoring in English and Environmental Science. After completing PGDE he joined the department of English at UB as a Staff Development Fellow. He then proceeded to the University of Ibadan in Nigeria for his M.A. at the department of Theatre Arts. He obtained his PhD in Theatre from the University of Leeds. Thulaganyo has taught literature in the department of English and introduced the first theatre courses at UB as part of the menu of courses in the department. He transferred to the Visual and Performing Arts Programme in 2013 when it was established and assumed Headship of the programme from Prof David Kerr in 2016.
Dr Mogobe has held various responsibilities within UB and outside. He has at various points of his career been a member of UB Senate; UB Council; Appeals Committee of Council; Physical Resources Committee of Council; School of Graduate Studies Board; Board of Affiliated Institutions;Task Group on the Review of the UB Act and Governance Structures; UB Statutes Review Committee; Academic Regulations Review Committee. He served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities in 2005-07. He has also served as Chairman of Mmegi Publishing Trust; Chairman of Friends of the Museum; Vice Chairperson of the Universal Access and Service Fund of BOCRA; Board member of the National Broadcasting Board and member of the Botswana National Cultural Council.
Botswana and African Theatre
Arts Management
Dramatic Literature
Theatre History
Theatre Theory and criticism
African Literature
Theatre in Botswana
Arts and Cultural Policy
Broadcasting Policy and Regulation
Copyright in the performing arts
Business of the Arts
Popular Theatre
Development Theatre
Dramatic Literature
Media Regulation in Botswana
Theatre theory and Practice
Cultural Studies
Mogobe, T.(2015). The Development of Theatre in Botswana. Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, 29(2), 35-54.
Mokopakgosi, B. and Mogobe, T. (2014). Establishing the 'Modalities' for a Successful Developmental University in Southern Africa: Thomas Tlou and the Reforms at the University of Botswana, 1980s- 1990s. BOLESWA, Journal of Theology, Religion and Philosophy, 4(2), 9-30.
Mogobe, T. and Schumann, R. (2013, March). Botswana Switches to ISDB-T for Digital TV. In Analysis Mason Quarterly at http://www.analysismason.com/newsletter.
Biakolo, E. and Mogobe, T. (Eds.)(2002). Botswana's National Heritage and the Culture of Peace. Proceedings of the National Conference on Botswana's National Heritage and the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence, February 15-16, 2001, Gaborone.
Mogobe, T. (1999). The Status of Theatre in Botswana. In R. Matusse (Ed.), Past, Roles and Development of Theatre Arts in SADC (42-48). SADC.