Staff Profiles

Mr. Thuto Mothupi

Thuto Mothupi

Faculty of Social Sciences



Location: 242B/20
Phone: 3554893
Email Mr. Thuto Mothupi


  • Ph.D., Statistics (on study leave)
  • M.A., Statistics, University of Botswana
  • B.A., Statistics & Economics, University of Botswana

  1. Statistical Computing 
  2. Mathematical Statistics 

  1. Computational Statistics/Statistical Computing
  2. Data Mining 
  3. Machine Learning 
  4. Environmental Statistics 

  1. Wilson Moseki Thupeng, Boikanyo Mokgweetsi, Thuto Mothupi, Posterior Predictive Checks for the Generalized Pareto Distribution Based on a Dirichlet Process Prior, American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Vol. 8, No. 6, 2019, pp. 287-295. doi: 10.11648/j.ajtas.20190806.20
  2. Thuto Mothupi.,Wilson Moseki Thupeng.,Baitshephi Mashabe & Botho Mokoto.(2016).Estimating Extreme Quantiles of the Maximum Surface Air Temperatures for the SirSeretse Khama International Airport Using the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution.American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics.Vol.5, No.6,2016, pp.365 375.doi:10.11648.j.ajtas.20160506.16.html
  3. Arnab, R., & Mothupi.T(2015).Randomized response techniques: A case study of the riskybehaviors’ of students of a certain University. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 10(4):421–30, 2015.DOI:10.3233/MAS-150344

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