Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 208, Office 209
BSc + CDE (University of Botswana)
MSc (University of London)
PhD (University of Manchester)
1. Elementary Number Theory
2. Abstract Algebra
3. General Topology
4. Algebraic Topology
5. Discrete Mathematics
6. Real analysis
1. Algebraic Topology
2. Elementary Number Theory
1. Algebraic Topology
2. Elementary Number Theory
1. M.F. Mothebe, (2002) Generators of the polynomial algebra as a module over the Steenrod algebra, Communications in Algebra. 30(5), 2213-2228.
2. M.F. Mothebe, (2013) Admissible monomials and generating sets for the polynomial algebra as a module over the Steenrod algebra, African Diaspora Jour. of Mathematics, 16(1), 18-27.
3. M. Moetele and M.F. Mothebe, (2016) The admissible monomial basis for the polynomial algebra in degree 13, East-West Journal of Mathematics. 151-170.
4. M.F. Mothebe and D.V. Phuc, (2019), On the twin prime conjecture,