Senior Lecturer
Location: 247/335
Doctor of Education
Masters Degree in Education
Dr S. K. Kesianye is a Senior Lecturer in mathematics education within the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Botswana (UB). She joined UB as a mathematics educator in 2005. Dr Kesianye held the post of Acting Head of Department for one year before she became a Senior Lecturer and led the department to successfully write a bid that resulted in Botswana winning to relocate SACMEQ (now SEACMEQ) from Paris, France to Africa. She continued assisting SACMEQ in making presentations about the functions of this international body in conferences nationally and internationally like in the ADEA Consultative Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. Dr Kesianye also chaired the Online PGDE programme Team that successfully piloted some online modules for Mathematics and Science education courses. She has chaired the DMSE Teaching Practice Model Team that developed a model that has assessment instruments being adopted and adapted for the entire Faculty of Education Teaching Practice model. Dr Kesianye supervises post-graduate students and internally examines research projects. She is also the Faculty of Education Marketing Coordinator. She is a BQA certified Trainer and Assessor and a BEC (Cambridge International) certified Reviser. Participates and presents in national, regional and international conferences where she has presented in all her research areas of interest.
Mathematics Education
Teaching and learning mathematics
Assessment in mathematics
Creativity for all
Online teaching and learning
Qualitative research especially Action research
Reflective Practice
Teacher Professional Development
Teacher Education
The use of Facebook to provide remediation
Teacher Support for visually impaired mathematics students
Teacher involvement in Curriculum Development
Improvement of poor mathematics performance
Parental involvement in education
Remedial teaching/learning
Cherinda, M., Kesianye, S., Webb, L., Nouzha El-Yacoubi, N., Kazima, M. and Masingila, J. (2019) Southern Africa Regional Mathematics Education, paper presented at PME 43, SA.
Kesianye, S. K., Garegae, K., Chakalisa, P. & Mogotsi, S. (2014). Priority Desires of Pre-Service Mathematics Student-Teachers from Methods Courses at the University of Botswana. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, vol. 18(2), DENMARK
Holton,D., Kwok-cheung, C., Kesianye, S. K., Falk de Losada, M., Leikin,, R. Makrides, G., Meissner, H., Sheffield, L. &Yeap, B.(2009). Teacher Development and Mathematical Challenge. In Barbeau, E. & Taylor, P. (Eds.) Challenging Mathematics In and Beyond the Classroom, Springer. pp 205-242. USA.
Kesianye, S. K. (2010). Sustaining Change of Practice Acquired through Action Research: The case of a Teacher Educator, In Halloway, W. & Maurer, J. (Eds.) International Research in Teacher Education: Current Perspectives. Kardoorair. AUSTRALIA