Staff Profiles

Dr Lapologang Magole

Dr Lapologang Magole (Mrs), Regional Development Planner, Head, Department of Architecture and Planning

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Architecture and Planning

Senior Lecturer

Location: Block 248 Office 131
Phone: +267 3552985
Email Dr Lapologang Magole

PhD Development Studies (2003). University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Natural resources management and policy processes.

Master of City Planning (1995). University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Regional Development Planning

BA (1991) UB Double Major, Economics & Environmental Science

Dr Lapologang Magole is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Botswana’s Department of Architecture and Planning and a Regional Development Planner by profession. She holds a Master of City Planning (MCP, Regional Development Planning Stream)(1995) from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. In her master she specialised in Regional Development Planning, Rural Resources Management, and Stakeholder Participation in Planning. She received her PhD in Development Studies (Environmental Policy Analysis) at the University of East Anglia, UK in 2003. Her research work and interest covers; natural resources planning and governance in general and common property resources management in particular. Currently she works on cities resilience to climate variability and change. Dr Magole is an environmental policy analyst and policy planning process facilitator. She has vast experience in stakeholder participation management for development planning, meeting facilitation (mediation, negotiation, conflict resolution and empowerment), project management and strategic planning. She is also an experienced trainer in participatory planning and learning methods.

Urban and regional economics

Regional and rural development planning

Urban planning and climate change management

Natural resources governance

Participatory planning research and learning methods

Research methods and techniques

Natural resources planning and governance in general and water and land resources management in particular

Cites and communities, adaptation and resilience to climate variability and change

Integrated development planning and governance 

SMART planning and building sustainable communities

Environmental policy and planning processes analysis

Stakeholder participation and involvement in development and natural recourses planning

Integrated land and water resources management and governance

Analysis of impediments to institutional capacity development and functioning for improved cooperative river basin governance in the Okavango River Basin

Policy and institutional analysis of the management of Molapo farming system in the Okavango Delta

Power Relations In Local Development Within Community Based Natural Resources Management

Cites and communities, adaptation and resilience to climate variability and change

Anna Steynora,, Maximillian Leightonb, Jessica Kavonicc, Waarith Abrahamsa, Lapologang Magole, Suzgo Kaundae, Chipo Plaxedes Mubaya (2019) Learning from climate change perceptions in southern African cities. Climate Risk Management Journal, Elsevier (27, 2020)

Magole, Lapologang and Alyne Delaney (2017) Editors. Partnerships and Power Games: Natural Resources Governance and Management in the Okavango Delta. Lit Verlag, Zurich. ISBN 978-3-643-90685-4

L. Magole L, Turner, S & Buscher, B (2010) Towards an effective commons governance system in Southern Africa? International Journal of the Commons Vol. 4, no 2. pp. 602–620

Magole, L (2009). The ‘shrinking commons’ in the Lake Ngami grass lands Botswana: the impact of national rangeland policy. Development Southern Africa. Vol 26 (4), p611-626.  2)

Magole, L. (2008). The feasibility of implementing an integrated management plan of the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33 (2008) 906–912 

In pursuit of academic excellence