Associate Professor
Location: Block 245 Room 143
Ph. D (Manchester Business School, University of Manchester)
Masters of Business Administration (Cardiff Business School, University of Wales)
Bachelor of Commerce (University of Botswana)
Rina Makgosa completed her PhD in 2005 at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, United Kingdom. She is currently employed as an Associate Professor and Head of Marketing, Faculty of Business, at the University of Botswana. She has over 26 years of experience in teaching, supervision, and examination of a wide range of courses in Marketing, International Business, Masters of Business Administration as well as PhD at the university level. Her key research areas of interest are in Consumer behaviour, Marketing strategy and Retailing. Some of her research articles appear in major International refereed journals and conference proceedings such as The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Management Research Review and Young Consumers.
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Research (International, Basic, Applied)
Business to Business Marketing
Sales Management
Contemporary Issues in Marketing
Family decision making
Consumer Attitudes, Personality & Motives
Personal Saving Behaviour
Market segmentation
Organized retailing
Ethical behaviour
Culture, Religiosity and consumption of controversial products
Demographics and consumer decision making processes
Peer influence and consumer behaviour
Service quality, customer value and satisfaction: The link
Customer based brand equity