Associate Professor
Location: Block 233, Office 123
BSc (UBS), MSc (UZ), PhD (Leeds)
Over thirty five (35) years experience in field surveys, project administration, applied research, teaching, professional governance & service and consultancy
Applied Physics, Electronics & Instrumentation, Electrical & Electromagnetic Methods, Potential Fields, Mining Geophysics, Borehole/Well Logging, Hydrogeophysics, Environmental Geophysics
Structure, tectonics and geodynamics of Archaean granite-greenstone terrains, Rock & Soil Magnetism, Mineral & Groundwater Exploration, RS & GIS, Environmental Geophysics
Applied Geophysics, Crustal Structure, Rock/Soil Magnetism, Hydrogeophysics, GeoSpatial Science, Exploration Geophysics, Environmental Geophysics
Moidaki, M., Ranganai R.T., King, J.G., Mothoke, B., Murty, V.R.K., 2019. Radon Monitoring at Gcwihaba caves in the Kalahari Desert, Botswana. 17th BIE Conference Proceedings, Gaborone. Botswana. p246-249.
Ranganai, R.T., Gwavava, O., Ebinger, C.J and Whaler, K.A., 2019. Configuration of late Archaean Chilimanzi and Razi suite of granites, south-central Zimbabwe craton, from gravity modelling: geotectonic implications. Pure and Applied Geophysics:- DOI: 10.1007/s00024-019-02302-4.
Ranganai, R. T., Tafila, O. Baleseng, G., and Montshiwa, B., 2018. Integrating Geophysical Methods to Decipher hydrogeological characteristics of a Groundwater borehole site in the University of Botswana Gaborone Campus: Critical Lessons Learnt. SADC ICPRSD Proceedings, Gaborone, p70-86. ISSN: 2664-5556
Ranganai, R.T, Moidaki, M.D., King, J.G. and Bagai, Z.B., 2017. Geophysical and Hydrogeological Prospectivity Mapping in the Kraaipan Granite-Greenstone Terrain, Southeast Botswana. JWARP 9, 1270-1298