Senior Lecturer
Location: Sir Ketumile Masire teaching hospital , F2038
I got my first medical doctor of medicine degree in 1994 from Addis Ababa university medical faculty and my second degree as eye specialist from the same university in 2007
I was born in Ethiopia in a small village called Mechara in 1971 . I completed my elementary school in Mechara . I joined and finished my high school from Gelemso secondary school .
After i passed my high school exam i joined Addis ababa university . I am married and father of three children
SOM 507
SOM 307
Family medicine Residents
-Child hood blindness
-Retinopathy of Prematurity in Botswana its prevalence, risk factors and role of Telemedicine in screening and treatment .
-Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Botswana , Published in WHO data base 2015
-Presenting Sign of Retinoblastoma in teaching hospital , Ethiopia , Published in Pan african medical journal ,2017
-A case of Macular hole in a young HIV positive patient , 2019 , Published in Pan American Journal of Ophtalmology