MComm (Economics)
Zibanani Kahaka is a lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Botswana (UB). Prior to joining UB Ms Kahaka worked as an Economist with the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development.
Ms Kahaka's research focus is on international trade issues particularly trade facilitation & e-commerce, trade & industrial policy. Her other research interests include economic planning & development as well as economic transformation. She also serves as a member of the Botswana National Trade facilitation committee under the Ministry of Investment Trade & Industry.
International Trade, Techniques of Planning, Transport Economics, Macroeconomics & Microeconomics
International Trade issues, Economic Development issues
International trade, Economic development, Public policy
1. Kahaka. Z, Motshegwa. B, Malema.B.W, (2018). Navigating Botswana’s Economic Development Trajectory since Independence: Successes and Challenges. 11th International Conference on “Priorities for the future: good governance, health and safety, social justice and economic equity”. 26-28 June 2018, UB Conference Centre, Gaborone, Botswana.
2. Kahaka. Z, (2017) Private Sector Participation in promoting Economic progress in SubSahara land locked developing countries (SSA-LLDCs). International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Vol 2(12).
3. Bakwena. M, Kahaka. Z. (2014) The Botswana National Information and Communication Technology Policy and Economic Diversification: How have we fared thus far? Botswana Notes and Records, Vol 45.
4. Kahaka. Z, Motlaleng. G.R. (2012) Appropriate Trade Policy for Botswana’s Economic Diversification. International Journal of Afro-Asian Studies,Vol. 3(2).