Location: 231/217
Doctor of Philosophy in Learning Support, Guidance and Counselling - University of Pretoria
Master of Education in Counselling and Human Services - University of Botswana
Hildah L Mokgolodi, Ph.D., is a professional counsellor (clinical), counsellor educator and clinical supervisor at the University of Botswana. She did her Master’s in Counselling & Human Services at the University of Botswana and a PhD in Learning Support-Guidance and Counselling at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Her Master’s degree was a combination of school and mental health counselling, hence the experiences that traverse counselling at different levels including schools (primary through tertiary), community and other work settings. Dr Mokgolodi joined the University of Botswana in 2013 and currently offers both undergraduate and graduate courses.
Prior to joining the University and going into private practice, she worked for the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MOESD) as a Science and Guidance and Counselling Teacher in high schools. She later joined the Guidance and Counselling Division at Curriculum Development and Evaluation (MOESD), where she developed, directed and evaluated the implementation of Guidance and Counselling programmes in Botswana schools. Dr Mokgolodi is accredited by the Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS), through the Emotional Intelligence Training Company (EITC) Inc. (Vancouver, Canada), to coach and use Emotional Intelligence (EI) tools EQ 360 & EQ-i 2.0.
She has presented research papers nationally and internationally and is a member of several professional bodies including Botswana and American Counselling Assoc.
Graduate Courses: Career Development, Counselling People with Special Needs, Counselling Over the Lifespan, Research in Counselling, Counselling Practicum and Internship
Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Counselling, Indigenous G & C Approaches in Africa, Community and Multicultural Counselling, Legal and Ethical Issues in Counselling, Research in Counselling, Career development, Counselling Internship, Substance Abuse, HIV and AIDS, Developing G&C programmes in schools
Her research interests include but not limited to:
Career Development, Mature adults (Gerontology-Professionals),
Indigenous Knowledge and Knowledge Management,
Relationships, Gender
Education and Counselling,
Gender, Leadership and Evidence-based programming.
Career Development,
Mature adults (Gerontology)
Indigenous Knowledge and Knowledge Management in counselling,
Relationships, Gender
Education and counselling
Evidence-based programming
Mokgolodi H.L. (2020). Retired educators’ career transition as a new life role of underwriting career development in Botswana. Journal of Population Ageing . DOI: 10.1007/s12062-020-09303-5
Mokgolodi, H. L. & Gaotlhobogwe, M. (2020). Retired Professionals as a Career Resource Tool for Schools in Botswana: Effective Partnerships in Education. Mosenodi-International Journal of
Educational Studies, 23(1), 57-69
Gaotlhobogwe, M. & Mokgolodi, H. L. (2020). Decolonising curricula for a knowledge-driven society: the time is now. Mosenodi-International Journal of Educational Studies, 23(1), 36-41
Montgomery, M. L. T., Shepard, B., Mokgolodi, H., Qian, M. & Tang, M. (2018). Professionalization of Counseling: Perspectives from Different International Regions.
IJAC doi.org/10.1007/s10447-018-933&