Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 244m Room 11
Doctor of Education in Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education - University of Exeter (UK)
Master of Arts in Special and Inclusive Education -University of Northern Colorado (USA)
Bachelors Degree in Education -University of Botswana
Certificate in Special Education - Lusaka College
Dr Mpho Otukile-Mongwaketse is a senior lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations ( Special Education Section). She joined the university of Botswana in 2001 as a part-time lecturer and the became a full member of staff in 2005. Her experience dates back to working with learners with special educational needs to training teachers to work with such learners. Over and above her teaching duties, Dr Otukile-Mongwaketse works with schools and facilitates in different workshops to equip teachers and parents with the skills of adapting curriculum for learners with special needs especially those with Learning Disabilities.
Her Teaching areas include the following courses: Diagnostic Teaching in Basic Skills for Learners with learning disabilities, Remediation Techniques for learners with Learning disabilities, Psychology of Exceptional Learners, Introduction to Special Education, Developmental and behavioral approaches for learners with Learning Disabilities,Career Education for students with Learning disabilities, Contemporary Issues and Concerns in Special Education
Her research areas include:Teachers understanding of curriculum, Remediation for struggling learners, Empowering Pre-Service teachers to become change agents in inclusive settings, Implications of teacher centered approaches in today's inclusive classrooms, Curriculum adaptations for learners with Learning Disabilities, Precision teaching to improve reading skills of learners with developmental disabilities, Teaching practice experiences for Pre-Service student teachers,Disability and Gender
Supervised postgraduate in topics including: An Analysis of policies guiding the guiding the design and delivery of an inclusive curriculum at an Open Distance E-learning University,Counseling and Human Services Resources Management Practice at Work Place,“Improving Self-Esteem and Resilience in children with developmental disabilities by improving their school performances through Precision Teaching: a case of Botswana”,Evaluation of Quality of Facilities,Resources of Reception classes