Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 202 Office 05 Adjacent Old Humanites (Block 217)
Ph.D in Religious Studies (Hindu Studies), University of Kent, United Kingdom.
MA in Oriental and African Religions , University of London (SOAS), United Kingdom.
PGDE, (RE and English), University of Botswana
BA Humanities (Theology and Religious Studies and English).,University of Botswana
Dr Elizabeth Pulane Motswapong is a Senior Lecturer in Indo Religions specialising in Hindu Studies, in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana.
She introduces students to Indian Religions with a concentration in Hindu Studies. Dr. Motswapong joined the University of Botswana, Department of Theology and Religious Studies as an SDF (Staff Development Fellow) in 1998.
After teaching for a year Motswapong went to pursue her Masters of Arts in Oriental and African Religions at University of London during the academic year 1999- 2000. Her dissertation was a comparative study between Tswana Bogwera and Hindu Upanayana Initiation rites for boys as instrumental in understanding these religions despite their diversity. Her supervisor was Dr. Julia Leslie ( MHSRIP).
During the years 2004 -2007, Motswapong pursued her Ph.D and wrote a dissertation in Hinduism and Gender under the supervision of Guruji, Prof. Burkhard Scherer.
Motswapong work includes supervision of both undergraduate and postgraduate students in various aspects of religions.
Lastly, she examines dissertations for both undergraduate and post graduate (Masters and Ph.D) from universities across the globe.
World Religions,
Specifically Indian Religions, Hinduism, Buddhism
Chinese Buddhism
Religions of Botswana
Comparative Religions, African Traditional Religions vs. Other religions
Religion and Gender
Philosophy of Religion
Religious Pluralism
Indian Religions
Women and Religions
Queers Studies
Religions vs. HIV and Aids
Comparative Religions
Women in Religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism)
Philosophy of Religion
Comparative Religions
Religion, HIV and Aids
Queer Studies
Motswapong, E.P.
"Buddhism and Development in Africa: Sowing the Seeds of Dhamma" In Rel & Dev. in Africa. eds. Chitando, Togarasei and Gunda. Germany: (Bamberg Press 2021). "A little Baby on the Way, Botho, Ubuntu and Community Building in Gaborone Babe Shower", Gender Studies:(GS) vol.16/1(2018): DOI; https:/
"Understanding Draupadi as a Model of Gender and Resistance" Stellenbosch Theology Journal, vol 3, 2:(2017) 477-492
'Sita as a Text of Terror: A Motswana Woman's Impressions", pp. 153-166 in Unraveling and Reweaving Sacred Canon in Africana Womanhood eds. Rossetta Ross and R.S.Amenga-Etego (NY: Lexington Books, 2015).
'A Supergift or a Conduit: The Place of the Daughter in the Indian Marriage Exchange': Nidan International Journal for the Study of Hinduism,vol 22(2010) 82-96
"Lesbians and Gays in Botswana: Surviving behind the Mask",pp336-40 In Queering Paradigms, ed Bukhard Scherer (Germany,Peter Lang,2009)