Location: 217/13
B A Humanities, PGDE. MA Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies
Miss D. K. Itumeleng is a lecturer in the Department of African Languages and Literature of the University of Botswana. She teaches literature courses mainly those have to do with literary theory and criticism, African literature and more especilly the novel. She more often teaches Setswana proficiency courses to international students Her research interest are in gender and feminist studies, sex and sexuality studies, comparative literary studies and literary translation. She holds MA degree in Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies obtained from University of Connecticut (USA) in 2001, a BA in Humanities degree and a Post graduated diploma in Education both obtained from University of Botswana in 1991 and 1992 respectively .
African Novel Literary Theory and Critiscism Literary translation African written poetry Drama in indigenous languages Setswana Language proficiency
Gender and Feminism, Literary Theory and Criticism Literary translation Cultural studies African novel comparative literature
Gender and Feminism, Literary Theory and Criticism African novel
Dinah K. Itumeleng (2008). "Teaching Setswana Literature in Post-colonial Botswana: Past, Present and Future" in Beyond the Language Issue : The Production, Mediation and reception of Creative Writing in African Languages. Naja Oed and Uta Reuster-Jahn eds. Koln: Rudiger Koppe Verlag Dinah K. Itumeleng (2017) Death, Mourning and Burial Rites amongst the Khoisan People of Botswana: A Comparative Study Marang Vol 29 (70-78)