Location: 355 4418/ 2684
Tapologo Maundeni received her PhD in Social Work at the University of Glasgow
She received her Masters in Social Work at the University of Wisconsin Madison
She received her Bachelor of Social Work at the University of Botswana
Professor Tapologo Maundeni is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work at the University of Botswana. She holds a Masters in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin Madison, and a PhD from the University of Glasgow. She has published extensively on issues such as children and women’s rights; sexual and reproductive health, families, and HIV and AIDS. Her PHD thesis was on children’s experiences of divorce in Botswana. Professor Maundeni serves as a reviewer of manuscripts submitted for publication in various internationally renowned journals. Previous positions include: Head of the Social Work Department at the University of Botswana; External Examiner for the University of Witwatersrand; the Executive Secretary for OSSREA – Botswana Chapter; Member of the National Children’s Council; Chair of the research sub-committee of the University of Botswana's Gender Policy and Programme Committee (GPPC) as well as the Committee that reviewed the University of Botswana’s Sexual Harassment Policy. She also served as a consultant for international and national organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO, as well as DIFD. Her areas of specialization include: human rights, child and family welfare, gender and development, as well as HIV and AIDS.
Social with children and families
Gender and development
Oral communication
HIV and AIDS courses
African-centered counselling strategies
Children's rights
Women's rights
Gender and development
Sexual and reproductive health issues
African-centered counselling strategies
Residential Care for Children
Domestic Violence and Children
Divorce and Children.
Gender based violence
Gender issues
HIV and AIDS issues
Human rights
Maundeni, T. (2013) Care for Children in Botswana: The Social Work Role. Social Work and Society, vol 11 (1), 1-7.
Maundeni, T. and Malinga-Musamba, T. (2013) The Role of Informal Caregivers in the Wellbeing of Orphans in Botswana: A Literature Review. Child and Family Social Work, vol 18, 107-116.
Maundeni, T. (2013) Early Childhood Care and Education in Botswana: A Necessity that is Accessible to Few Children. Creative Education, vol 4 (7) 1-6.
Maundeni, T., Malinga, T., Kgwatalala, D., and Kasule, K (2010) Cultural Adjustment of International Students at an African University. Journal of Psychology in Africa, vol. 20 (1) 79-84.
Maundeni, T. (2010) Challenges Faced in the Implementation of Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Botswana. Journal of Social Development in Africa, vol. 25