Senior Lecturer
Location: 427/408
BA Humanities (BA) University of Botswana) Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) University of botswana) Master of Theology (MTh) Stellenbosch, RSA Doctor of Theology (PhD) Murdoch, Australia
Mmapula Diana Kebaneilwe (PhD), is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Botswana. She is a Womanist Scholar of Hebrew and Old Testament Studies. She obtained her PhD in Old Testament Studies from the University of Murdoch in Perth, Australia in 2012. The title of her PhD thesis is This Courageous Woman: A socio-rhetorical Womanist Reading of Proverbs 31:10-31, available online at []. Currently a Project Partner and Collaborator with Prof J. Stiebert of Leeds University (UK) and Dr K. Edwards (Sheffield University (UK) on The Shilo Project on Rape Culture, Religion and the Bible. Title: Resisting Gender Based Violence through the Bible and its Images. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK (AHRC).
The Hebrew Bible as History and Story (BA)
Introduction to the Old Testament (BA)
Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (BA)
Beginning Biblical Hebrew I: Introduction to the Hebrew Script (BA)
Advanced Biblical Hebrew: Translation of Selected Hebrew Texts (BA)
Creation and the Bible (BA)
Religion and Modernity (BA)
Introduction to the Old Testament (BA)
Introduction to Old Testament Hermeneutics (MA)
Advanced Old Testament Hermeneutics (MA)
Women and the Hebrew Bible
HIV and AIDS and the Hebrew Bible
The Bible and Sexual Violence
The Bible and the Environment
Queer readings of the Bible
Rape Culture and the Biblical Text
The Bible and Ecology
The Bible, Women and HIV and AIDS
The Bible, Sexuality, Women and Queer Studies
The Bible and Gender
“Do Not Pollute the Land Where You Are: Hebrew Bible teaching on Environmental Conservation.” Pages 17-29 in Law Religion and the Environment in Africa, M. C. Green and M. Haron (Stellenbosch: African Sun Media), 2020. []
“Women, Migration and Development: Lessons from the Gutsy Strangers of the Book of Ruth.” In Religion and Migration in Southern Africa. Eds. James N. Amanze (Malawi: Mzuni Press: ATISCA Publications), 2019.
“Reproducing or Creating a New Male: Bridal Showers in the Urban Spaces in Gaborone” Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, Vol. 24/1 (2018): 79-95. (co-authored)
“The Good Creation: an Ecowomanist Reading of Genesis 1-2.” Old Testament Essays (OTE) Vol. 28/3 (2015): 694-703.
“The Vashti Paradigm: Resistance as a Strategy for Combating HIV.” The Ecumenical Review (ER) Vol. 63/4 (2011): 378-383.