Location: 236/217
PhD. in Environmental Science, 2013,
MSc. in Applied Microbiology, 2005,
BSc. in Biology and Environmental Management, 2001
Professional Certificates
Dr. Pulane Hannah Koosaletse-Mswela is an Environmental quality professional who is a microbiologist by training. She holds a PhD in Environmental Science, an MSc. In Applied Microbiology and a BSc. In Biology (Microbiology) and Environmental Science (Environmental Management) from the University of Botswana. She has worked as a Research Scientist specializing in microbiology and Biotechnology.
Currently, her research activities include Environmental quality and pollution Control with special emphasis on water. Interests include Pollution control through bioremediation, the effect of wastewater use on the environment and horticultural produce. She is also a qualified ISO 9001 & ISO/IEC 17025:2005 implementer and auditor.
Dr. Koosaletse-Mswela has supervised several BSc, MSc and PhD students. The graduate students she supervised include students from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Tanzania, Botswana and South Africa.
She is a board member of the Botswana Academy of Sciences (BAS), serving as the Secretary General and Women in Science liaison. She also serves as the inaugural Vice Chair of Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World; the Botswana Chapter (OWSD-Botswana Chapter). Dr. Koosaletse-Mswela is passionate about exploring the fourth industrial Revolution for development and was recently part of the organizers of the Botswana National Fourth Industrial Revolution forum.
-Phytoremediation; -mycoremediation; Phycoremediation
-Wastewater quality and implications on horticultural produce
-Waste management
-Heavy metal remediation
-Air quality management
Selected recent Post graduate supervision
PhD. research : Assessment of dioxins, furans and dl-pcbs and their implications on public health
MSc research: Using Bio/Geo-accumulation of Heavy Metals to Assess the Environmental Health of Bokaa Dam
MSc research: Heavy metals uptake by vegetables and human health implications: A case of Odi-Matebele villages
MSc research: Evaluation of groundwater pollution and its implications on public health
Christina Pius, Kwenga Sichilongo, Pulane Koosaletse-Mswela and Oagile Dikinya. 2018. Monitoring polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in Africa since the implementation of the Stockholm Convention—an overview. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Volume 26, Issue 1, pp 101–113.
Pulane Koosaletse-Mswela, Wojciech J. Przybyłowicz, Karen J. Cloete, Alban D. Barnabas, Nelson Torto, Jolanta Mesjasz-Przybyłowicz. 2015. Quantitative mapping of elemental distribution in leaves of the metallophytes, Helichrysum candolleanum, Blepharis aspera, and Blepharis diversispina from Selkirk Cu-Ni mine, Botswana. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 363 188-193.
Totolo O, Matale T, and Koosaletse-Mswela P. 2010. Evaluation of Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of Bokaa dam in south-eastern Botswana. Botswana Journal of Applied Science Vol.6 No. 2. Pp30-40.