Senior Lecturer
Location: 247/421
BSc Biology (UB)
MSc Zoology (Pretoria)
“The Nature Detective” is an ecologist by training with expertise in behavioural ecology, biodiversity conservation, and wildlife management. My approach underpins practical solutions to biodiversity conservation problems through primary scientific research of good calibre. The approach is fundamental, interdisciplinary and collaborative, spurred by a scientific impetus to invoke:
Specific areas of engagement include;
Principles of Biology
Principles of Ecology
Behavioural Ecology
Wildlife Biology
Research Methods in Biology
- Inventory and monitoring of biodiversity abundance, distribution, interactions, demographics, and relative function in ecosystems
- Impact of fencing, hunting, culling, cropping, poaching, and translocations, on biodiversity abundance, distribution, behaviour, demographics, and ecosystem processes
- Ecological consequences of artificial water provision
- Human-wildlife interactions and conflict mitigation
Ecology and Conservation