Location: Block 232 Office 233
Master of Engineering(MEng) in Computer Engineering
University of Portsmouth, UK.
Programming and Information Systems courses.
My research interests are in the area of Legal Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Cybersecurity.
M Lefoane, I Ghafir, S Kabir, IU Awan, "Latent Dirichlet Allocation for the Detection of Multi-Stage Attacks", In The 7th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems, 2023
M Lefoane, I Ghafir, S Kabir, IU Awan, "Multi-stage Attack Detection: Emerging Challenges for Wireless Networks", International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Communications, 2022
M Lefoane, I Ghafir, S Kabir, IU Awan, "Unsupervised Learning for Feature Selection: A proposed Solution for Botnet Detection in 5G Networks", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022
M Lefoane, I Ghafir, S Kabir, IU Awan, "Machine learning for botnet detection: An optimized feature selection approach", In The 5th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems, 2021
Y Ayalew, E Tshukudu, M Lefoane, "Factors Affecting Programming Performance of First Year Students at a University in Botswana", African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, v22 n3 p363-373 2018
For a complete list of publications, please see his google scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=BcsZpr