Senior Lecturer
Location: 231/213
B.Ed(Science Education)
MA(Research Methodology)
PhD(Research Methodology)
Teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in measurement, research, statistics and evaluation. She participates in research teams, some in collaboration with international partners, focusing in areas of her research interests. She has led a number of such teams. She is a member of local and international research associations.
Educational Measurement
Research Methods
Data Analysis
Educational Evaluation
Validation of research instruments
Educational Assessment
Supervise postgraduate research projects in assessment and evaluation.
Andrey Zakharov, Gaelebale Tsheko, Martin Carnoy(2016). Do “better” teachers and classroom resources improve student achievement? A causal comparative approach in Kenya, South Africa and Swaziland. International Journal of Educational Development 50 , 108-124.
Chilisa, B., & Tsheko, G.N.(2014). Mixed Methods in Indigenous Research. Building relationships for sustainable outcomes. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.8(2),222-233 .
Tsheko. G.N.(2012). HIV/AIDS and Education in Botswana. In Wiseman and Glover International Perspectives on Education and Society; Vol - 18; ISBN: 978-1-78190-232-5
Tsheko, G.N.(2006). . Audio module of Educational Assessment. CCE, University of Botswana & Ministry of Education. Botswana.
Nenty, H. J.,& Tsheko, G. N.(2003).Students Perceptions on the Prevalence and Determinants of Copying during Examinations at University of Botswana. Mosenodi, 11(2), 22-35.