Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 240 Room 151
1997 MSc (Medical Sociology) - Royal Holloway, University of London
1993 BA (Sociology and History) - University of Botswana
Robert M. Molebatsi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, University of Botswana. He has an MSc in Medical Sociology from Royal Holloway College, University of London. His research interests are in areas of sociology of health and illness, ageing, democracy, elections and governance. Molebatsi teaches in Research Methodology and, Sociology of health and illness.
Previous position(s) held elsewhere:
1993 -1998: Assistant Health Research Officer, Ministry of Health
1998 – 2000: Research Fellow- NIR, University of Botswana
May 2005 – June 2006: Principal Research Officer, Ministry of Local Government
SOC 339: Quantitative Research Methods
SOC 226: Concepts and Principles of Research Methods
SOC 332: Traditional and Alternative Medical Systems
CJS 321: Research Methods in Criminal Justice Studies
CJS 421: Research Project
CJS 445: Data Analysis in Criminal Justice Studies
His research interests are in areas of sociology of health and illness, ageing, democracy, elections and governance. He is currently working on a research project on illness experiences of cancer patients. Molebatsi teaches in Research Methodology and, Sociology of health and illness.
Keetile, M., Navaneetham, K., Letamo, G., Bainame, K., Rakgoasi, S.D., Gabaitiri, L., Masupe, T and Molebatsi R. (2019) “Socioeconomic and behavioural determinants of overweight/obesity among adults in Botswana: a cross-sectional study,” BMJ Open 9: e029570. Doi: 101136/bmjopen-2019-029570
Molebatsi, R. M. and Dipholo, K. B. (2017) The culture of democracy and citizen participation in Botswana. In Amtaika, A. (ed.) The Democratization of Africa: Dynamics and Trends. Austin: PAUP.
Molebatsi, R. M. and Dipholo, K. B. (2015) ‘Universal Primary Education in Botswana: Implementation, Achievements and Challenges’, Awortwi, N. and H. Musahara (eds.) Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals: Progress and Challenges in some African countries. Addis Ababa: Organisation for Social Science Research.
Molebatsi, R. M. (2014) Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Botswana: Challenges and Opportunities, The IUP Journal of International Relations.Vol. VII, No. 2. pp. 7-21.