Lecturer / Coordinator- Business Clinic
Location: 245/ 002 Business Clinic Unit
MSc Strategy Management
Post Grad. Diploma (Monitoring and Evaluation)
Post Grad. Certificate (Enterprise-wide Risk Management)
Bachelor of Arts Social Sciences (Economics and Accounting majors)
Ms Ndadi is a business development expert whose experience spans across the areas of entreprenuership development, management consulting, strategy, development financing as well as risk management. In addition to teaching Entreprenuership and Business Management courses, she manages the Business Clinic which is a unit within the Faculty of Business mandated with inculcating entreprenuership culture within the university;additionally the university through the Business Clinic supports industry business development by providing training, consultancy(advisory) &research services. Ms Ndadi, who is an accredited trainer, also provides advisory on economic empowerment, sustainability and prosperity issues. Through working with various stakeholders (both private and public), she continues contributing towards national women and youth development work. Ms Ndadi is an accredited business management consultant with the UNDP Business Supplier Development programme; a programme which contributes to private sector development by building capacity for SMEs to supply bigger markets as well as developing value chains within the key economic sectors, such as agriculture, textile, mining, and manufacturing.
Having previously worked in the NGO space, private and parastatals sectors, Ms Ndadi has a wealth of experience in industry&community engagement, stakeholder relationship management, project management, and managing diversity; an experience which extends to her students interaction
Business Management
Management Consulting