Location: 247/315
Aug 1990 - Aug 1994: Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology with concentration in Demography), USA
Sept 1987 - Sept. 1988: Master of Science (Medical Demography), UK
Aug. 1982 - May 1986 Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (Environmental Science), BW
Gobopamang Letamo is a Professor in the Department of Population Studies at the University of Botswana where he has been a faculty member since 1986. He also spent two years working for UNFPA as an Assistant Representative.
Gobopamang Letamo completed his PhD at Bowling Green State University, Master of Science at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and his undergraduate studies at the University of Botswana. Letamo's research interests are: sexual and reproductive health; HIV/AIDS; fertility and family planning; and social determinants of health. He has to his credit 43 peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 book chapters and 8 other peer-reviewed works. He has served as an external examiner in several universities as well as a peer reviewer for various journals. He has also collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines. In 2012, and in collaboration with other researchers, he won the AIDS Prize Award for Excellence in Research Related to the Needs of Children Affected by AIDS.
Letamo has served in various capacities both at the University of Botswana, nationally and internationally. He currently serves as a Member of the Technical Working Group for the preparation of the 2021 Botswana Population & Housing Census, Chairperson of the Faculty of Social Sciences Research & Publication Committee, & Member of the Editorial Board for Southern African Journal of Demography.
Letamo has taught courses at undergraduate and graduate level.
Gobopamang Letamo teaches the following courses: population and development; research methods; and fertility.
Gobopamang Letamo supervises postgraduate students in the following areas: fertility; marriage; non-communicable diseases; population & development interrelationships
Letamo G (2020) Dual Burden of Underweight and Overweight/Obesity among Adults in Botswana: Prevalence, Trends and Socio-demographic Correlates: A Cross-sectional Survey, BMJ Open; 10:e038614. doi.10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038614
Keetile M, Navaneetham K, Letamo G, & Rakgoasi SD (2019) Socioeconomic inequalities in non-communicable disease risk factors in Botswana: cross-sectional study, BMC Public Health, 19;1060. https:/
Dintwa K.F., Letamo, G., & Navaneetham, K. (2019). Quantifying Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Botswana: An Application of Cutter Model, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 37, 101189.
Letamo, G. (2019). Misconceptions about HIV Transmission among Adolescents: Levels, trends and Correlates from the Botswana AIDS Impact Surveys, 2001-2013: A Short Report, AIDS Care, Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV: Jun 18:1-5. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2018.148