Nurse Lab Technologist
Location: Block 246 Office A104
Magister Curationis Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing 2008 - University of Johannesburg
Bachelor of Education in Nursing 2000 - University of Botswana
Diploma in Midwifery 1993 - Institute of Health Sciences
Diploma in General Nursing 1991 - Institute of Health Sciences
Ms Mpho P. Motana is a qualified Midwife General Nurse presently is with the School as Nurse Laboratory Technologist . Her major role is to set up the Nursing Simulation
Laboratory and Equip it for use by all other School of Nursing staff members in teaching both undergraduate and graduate students.
She teaches undergraduate students basic nursing concepts in the Nurses Simulation Laboratory
Basic Nursing Skills in the Nurses Simulation Laboratory to beginning undergraduate nursing students
Institutional Care Based Practicum in the In-Patient Setting within the Obstetric and Gynaecology Areas
Parent and Child Health Nursing Practicum within the Obstetric and Gynaecology Areas
Farai D Madzimbamuto1,2*†, Sunanda C Ray1,2†, Keitshokile D Mogobe3, Doreen Ramogola-Masire4, Raina Phillips4,
Miriam Haverkamp4, Mosidi Mokotedi3 and Mpho Motana5. A root-cause analysis of maternal deaths in Botswana: towards developing a culture of patient safety and quality improvement.(2014) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Tadele Melese1*, Dereje Habte2, Billy M. Tsima3, Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe4,Kesegofetse Chabaesele3, Goabaone Rankgoane3, Tshiamo R. Keakabetse5, Mabole Masweu5, Mosidi Mokotedi4, Mpho Motana4, Badani Moreri-Ntshabele1- PLOS One; High Levels of Post-Abortion Complication in a Setting Where Abortion Service Is Not Legalized(2017).
Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe Sunanda Ray Farai Madzimbamuto Mpho Motana, Doreen Ramogola-Masire Goabaone Rankgoane Raina Phillips Habte Dereje Mosidi Mokotedi , (2014), International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. Non-citizens and maternal mortality in Botswana: a rights perspective