Location: Block 236, Office 233
oPhD Hydrology and Water Resources -1999
MSc Water Resources Engineering - 1995
BSc Civil Engineering - 1990
Member IAHS – International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Member No. 5764 (since 1997)
Founding Member: Africa Groundwater Professionals Network (AGW-Net) (since 2008) [Link: ht
25 Mar 2014-Present- Professor
Recent- Coordinator of Water Systems Analysis Group
29 Nov 2011-Mar 2014- Associate Professor
2007-Nov 2011- Senior Lecturer
2001-2007- Lecturer
Undergraduate level:
GEO 205 Introduction to Hydrogeology
GEO 203 Remote sensing applied to Geology
Postgraduate level:
GEO 602 Surface Water and Vadoze-Zone Hydrology
GEO 605 Remote-Sensing and GIS Applications in Hydrogeology
GEO 607 Integrated Water Resources Management
GEO 610 Stochastic hydrology
GEO 701 Supervised Research and Dissertation
GEO 900 Supervised Research and Dissertation
Rainfall – runoff modelling and storage capacity determination for excess runoff harvesting in urbanized watersheds- the case of Notwane subbasin from calibrated HEC – HMS model
Surface and ground water resources optimisation- a case study of Greater Gaborone Region
Rainfall Characteristics and Drought Regimes of Botswana
Water Resource Evaluation and Modelling of Motloutse Alluvial Water Course - A case study of Tobane River reach
Optimization of water resources and water supply in Palapye, etc
1. Alemaw, B.F. 2012. Integrated Modelling and Assessment Systems: Development and Application for Water Resources Variability and Climate Change Evaluation in Southern Africa, ISBN. 978 3 8473 1684 8, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany. pp.284
2. Matondo, J., Alemaw, B.F. Sandwidi, J.P. (2020). Climate Variability and Change Research in Africa – Perspectives and Experiences. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, ISBN: 978-3-030-31542-9. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31543-6 pp.208
More than 36 publications
Please Check Google Academic Search
Examples are:
1. Solomon Owolabi, Kakaba Madi, Ahmed M Kalumba, Berhanu F. Alemaw (2019), Assessment of Buffalo watershed with respect to streamflow variability, J. Environmental Earth Sciences Vol.(0123456789), Environmental Earth Sciences (2020) 79187
3.B.F Alemaw, N Sebusang, 2017. Climate Change an