Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 244A/15
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research Ethics - University of Stellenbosch (2016)
PhD: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin – Madison (2001)
MSc (Ed): University of Wisconsin - Madison (1989)
BA (Hum) + C.D.E: University of Botswana (1983)
Dr Jankie is a senior lecturer in the area of language education in the Department of Languages & Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education at the University of Botswana. She teaches courses in language and literacy education, instructional resources and multicultural education to undergraduate students. She has also taught a graduate level course on qualitative research methods to graduate students enrolled in various specializations in the Faculty of Education. Dr. D. Jankie is also involved in undergraduate and graduate research supervision.
Dr. D. Jankie currently serve as a member of the San Research Centre Management Committee as well as the Chairperson of the University of Botswana Institutional Review Board (IRB) Socio-Behavioural Sub-Committee. Furthermore, she often acts as a resource person on research ethics, qualitative research as well as on the roles and responsibilities of community advisory boards in the research process, in various forums.
Language, literacy and literature education
Language, literacy and literature education
Multicultural education
Materials development and evaluation
Teacher education
Research ethics
Reading teacher education (main supervisor), language education (main supervisor), service-learning (co-supervisor), and enrollment in teacher training institutions (co-supervisor)
Jankie, D. (2019). What language textbooks teach about emerging issues: An analysis of Setswana and English language textbooks. Mosenodi, 22 (1) 32 - 48.
Jankie, D. (2018). Inquiring to benefit society while protecting subjects: The debates, complexities and moral obligations of the IRB review process. The Qualitative Report, 23(6), 1506-1508. Retrieved from [A review of Balanced ethics review: A guide for institutional review board members by S. N. Whitney]
Raditloaneng, W.N., Jankie. D. (Eds). & assisted by Moalosi, N (2017). Short conference report and book of proceedings (Volume 2) of The 16th BOLESWANA Biennial Educational Symposium held on 12-14 July 2016, at the University of Botswana, Gaborone. Published by the Ministry of Basic Education – Botswana.
Jotia, A. L. & Jankie, D. (Eds.) (2015). Multicultural education: Breaking barriers of exclusion in selected African contexts. Windhoek, Namibia: Zebra Publishing (Pty)