Location: 230/229
PhD (Psychiatric Nursing) University of JJohannesburg, South Africa; PGD (HIV/AIDS) Stellenbosch University, South Africa; MCur (Psychiatric Nursing) Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa; B.Ed. (Nursing) University of Botswana, Botswana; MW, GN (National Health Institute, Botswana.
Ntsayagae qualified as nurse in 1986, and worked at Lobatse Mental Hospital, Bamalete Lutheran Hospital, Institute of Health Sciences, Ministry of Health, Botswana Medical AID and is currently employed at University of Botswana. She completed her masters in Psychiatric Nursing in 2000, and her PhD in 2018. Ntsayagae’s role includes supervision of research for master’s students. Current activities outside the university include being a member of various technical working groups, giving health talks on mental health and reviewer of manuscripts for International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences.
Ntsayagae teaches different courses from under graduate through to graduate. She has taught Basic Nursing Concepts and skills in Health and Wellness, Professional Nursing, Community Mental Health Nursing, community Based Care Practicum, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Trends in Psychotherapeutic Modalities, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Practicals and Internship.
Mental health, mental health treatment, access and services
Supervision of Masters student’s research essays, and has also served as an internal examiner.
Ntsayagae, E; Poggenpoel, M & Myburgh CPH (2019) Experiences of family caregivers of persons living with mental illness: a meta-synthesis. Curationis Journal. (ISSN) Online 2223-6279 Print 0378-8577 Impact factor of 0.40
Sabone, M; Mbatha-Ndaba, R & Ntsayagae, E (2019). The changing landscape of community-home based care in Botswana: the situation of selected families in the capital city. Mosenodi International Journal of Educational Studies. 22 (2),142-160 ISSN 1021-559X
Mpuang, K.D & Ntsayagae, E, I (2020). Barriers to mental health service access: The voices of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in the South East District of Botswana. African Annals of the deaf. 4 (1)