Senior Lecturer
Location: 230-122
B.Sc. (Econ). Grad. C.E. (University of Zimbabwe); M.Ed. (University of Southern Queensland); D.Ed. (University of South Africa).
Dr Burman Sithole is a senior lecturer in business education in the Faculty of Education's Department of Languages & Social Sciences Education. He has taught business education courses at university level in Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Botswana. He has published widely in his area of interest which is business education pedagogy and has authored school, college and university teaching modules and books in this area.
Business Education
Business education pedagogy
Professional learning
Pereira, L. & Sithole, B.M. (2020). Learner-centred pedagogy in Accounting: Understanding its meaning from a Bernsteinian perspective. African Educational Research Journal, 8(1), 20-30.
Solomon, G.E. & Sithole, B.M. (2019). Vocational business education: An exploration of business subjects clubs in Botswana secondary schools. Mosenodi: International Journal of Educational Studies, 22(1), 15-32.
Solomon, G.E., Nhete, T. & Sithole, B.M. (2018). The case for the need for personal financial literacy education in Botswana secondary schools. Sage Open, January-March 2018: 1-9.
Jotia, A. L. & Sithole, B. M. (2016). Pragmatizing democratic education in Botswana through business education: Countering the scourge of the diploma disease. Cogent Education, 3(1).