Acting Dean
Location: 230/211
LLB (University of Botswana); LLM (University of Edinburgh); PhD (University of Edinburgh).
Tachilisa Balule is an Associate Professor of Law in the Department of Law, University of Botswana. He was the Head of the Law Department from February 2010 to June 2013. He holds an LLB degree from the University of Botswana, an LLM and PhD degrees from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. His PhD research was on regulation of the media in Botswana and South Africa. Dr Balule has published books, book chapters and academic journal articles in the areas of freedom of expression, including media freedom and access to information, and on aspects of electoral laws. He has delivered a number of papers on freedom of expression, media law and access to information at national and international conferences.
Law of Delict; Media law and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Media Law; Freedom of Expression; Electoral Law; ADR; Law of Delict.
Media Law; ADR; and Law of Delict
Books Fombad, C.M. and Balule T.B., Media Law in Botswana (Wolters Kluwer, 2018). Articles B.T. Balule, ‘Diversity and Pluralism Compromised: From the Botswana Broadcasting Act 1998 to the Communications Regulatory Act 2012’ (2013) 34 (3) Statute Law Review 189 – 206. B.T. Balule and B. Otlhogile, ‘Balancing the Right to Privacy and the Public Interest: Surveillance by the State of Private Communications for Law Enforcement in Botswana’ 2016 37 (1) Statute Law Review 19 – 32. B.T. Balule, ‘Promoting and safeguarding media pluralism in Botswana: an assessment of legal risks’ 2016 42 (1) Commonwealth Law Bulletin 84 – 104. B.T. Balule, ‘Open Justice and Broadcasting of Legal Proceedings in Botswana: the Need for Reform’ 2016 University of Botswana Law Journal 36 – 52.