Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 233 Room 122
B.Sc. (Majoring in Physics & Mathematics) - University of Botswana.
M.Sc. (Majoring in Physics) - University of Botswana & Uppsala University.
PhD (Geophysics-Seismology) - University of the Witwatersrand.
Rapelang E. Simon is a Physicist and Seismologist who was born in Tutume, Botswana. He received a BSc degree majoring in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Botswana (UB). Then he joined the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science at UB as a Staff Development Fellow, and pursued an MSc degree in Physics at UB & Uppsala University, Sweden. He attended the Bernard Price Institute of Geophysics at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, where he obtained a PhD in Geophysics (Seismology). He re-joined UB as a Lecturer in Physics, and in 2011 he was promoted to Senior Lecturer. His main responsibilities are Teaching, Research, and Service to the University and Community. He has served in various capacities in UB as well as mentoring students at their halls of residences to excel in Living & Learning Community (LLC) activities. Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Department of Physics’ Strategic Plan; Chairperson of the Faculty of Science Research & Publications Committee; Member of the Radiation Protection Board, and Member of the Sub-funding UB Research Committee.
1. Geometrical Optics & Mechanics.
2. Physics Applied to Home Economics.
3. Basic Potential Fields in Geophysics.
4. Global Geophysics.
5. Geophysical Data Analyses & Interpretation.
6. Geophysical Field School.
1. Seismic Monitoring.
2. Earth's Structure from Crust to Core.
3. Earthquake Seismology.
4. Electrical Methods in Geophysics.
5. Solid Earth Physics.
6. Monitoring Nuclear Explosions & Nuclear Treaty Verification.
1. Olebetse, T.A., Mmese, M.L., Simon, R.E., & Maritinkole, J. (2020). Some Foreshocks & Aftershocks Associated with the Moiyabana Earthquake of 2017 in Botswana. Internat. J. of Geosciences, 11 (4), 238-250, DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2020.114013.
2. Nthaba, B., Simon, R.E., & Ogubazghi, G.M. (2018). Seismicity study of Botswana from 1966 to 2012, Inter. J. Geosciences, 9 (12), 707-718, DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2018.912043.
3. Ugwu, N.U., Ranganai, R.T., Simon, R.E., & Ogubazghi, G., (2016). Geoelectrical Evaluation of Groundwater Potential & Vulnerability of Overburden Aquifers at Onibu-Eja Active Open Dumpsite, Osogbo, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Water Resources & Protection, 8, 311-329.
4. Simon, R.E., Wright, C., Kgaswane, E.M. & Kwadiba, M.T.O. (2002). The P wavespeed structure below and around the Kaapvaal craton to depths of 800 km, from traveltimes & waveforms of local and regional earthquakes and mining-induced tremors, Geophys. J. Inter., 151, 132-145.