Senior Lecturer
Location: 355 4157
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Training and Human Resources Development
Psychology, Work and Labor Relations
Performance Management
Consumer Psychology
Social Psychology
General Psychology
Pheko, M. M., Balogun, S. K., & Monteiro, N. M. (2019). Peer mentorship: a powerful buffer against those with legitimate right and power to bully subordinates. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.
Pheko, M. M & Molefhe, K. (2017). Addressing employability challenges: a framework for improving the employability of graduates in Botswana, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth.
Pheko, M. M. (2014). Batswana female managers’ career experiences and perspectives on corporate mobility and success. SA Journal of Human Resource Management.
Pheko, M. M., Monteiro, N., Tlhabano, K. N., & Mphele, S. B. (2014). Rural-to-urban migrations: Acculturation experiences among university students in Botswana. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth.