Head of Department
Location: 248/131
PhD.| Spatial Sciences: Metropolitan Transport Planning (Curtin University, Australia)
MSc.| Geospatial Science (Curtin University, Australia)
M.A. (Prof) | Planning Policy and Strategy (University of Botswana)
BSc.| Urban and Regional Planning (University of Botswana)
Dr. Keone Kelobonye is a Senior Lecturer of GIS, Urban & Transportation Planning at University of Botswana (UB), and is currently the acting Head of the Department of Architecture and Planning. He is a certified Urban and Transport Planner and researcher, registered with the Department of Town and Country Planning in Botswana. His professional memberships also include the Pula Institute of Town Planners (BW) and the American Association of Geographers (USA). Dr Kelobonye holds BSc and MA Prof. degrees in Urban & Regional Planning from UB, and Master of Science and Doctoral degrees from Curtin University, Australia.
Keone's research interests lie at the nexus of Metropolitan Transportation Planning and Sustainable Urban Development, with some of his recent and current works focusing on transit planning and performance evaluation, spatial equity of accessibility, commuter behaviour analysis, and travel efficiency optimisation using Urban Informatics and Big Data Analytics. Keone is an early career researcher (ECR) with a record of publications in international journals of Transport Planning, Land Use Planning and Geoinformatics.
Geographic Information Systems
Planning Support Systems
Urban & Regional Economics
Planning for Climate Change
Planning Policy & Administration
Digital Cartography
Spatial Modelling
Transportation research
Geospatial intelligence, urban spatial structure, urban geo-informatics, metropolitan transport planning, transport geography, accessibility, spatial equity, travel efficiency, transport policy, travel behaviour, travel mode choice.
Zhang, B., Dong, Y., Kelobonye, K., Zhou, RZ., & Xu, Z. (2023). Delineating walking catchments of existing and proposed public sports facilities with open-source data: a case study of Nanjing. Applied spatial analysis and policy, 16 (2), 729-749
Kelobonye, K., Zhou, H., Xia, J., & McCarney, G. (2021). Effective density vs. accessibility: Which model to apply in the evaluation and prioritisation of activity centres? Applied Geography, 128, 102390.
Kelobonye, K., Zhou, H., McCarney, G., & Xia, J. (2020). Measuring the accessibility and spatial equity of urban services under competition using the cumulative opportunities measure. Journal of Transport Geography, 85, 102706.
Kelobonye, K., McCarney, G., Xia, J., Swapan, M. S. H., Mao, F., & Zhou, H. (2019). Relative accessibility analysis for key land uses: A spatial equity perspective. Journal of Transport Geography, 75, 82-93.
More on: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ORCID